When we rented our house, it was the first time I had ever had a glass stove top. I was worried about cleaning it so I bought the specially made stove top cleaner. However, this didn’t work about half the time. I happened to be in a used appliance store with my mother and sister when I asked the sales lady how much it would be to replace the stove top if it was damaged beyond repair. The answer was- A LOT. But the sales lady told me that I probably wouldn’t have to. Instead she suggested that we use a flat razor blade ($1 at Dollar Tree) to remove any remaining cooking particles. AND IT WORKED! My stove top looks like new and I never need to buy cook top cleaner again.
This is cheaper and it requires less chemicals to be used in my house.
Savings- $5 each time you would have to buy cook top cleaner
Disclaimer- Not all stoves are the same. I recommend caution when trying this on yours to make sure it works for you and doesn’t damage your stove.
Click HERE to see the rest of our series USE THIS NOT THAT.

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