Before this shopping trip B and I sat down and planned out what meals we wanted to make for the month. Sometimes we do this on a weekly basis but this is the first time we have attempted a whole month. We aren’t picky eaters and do tend to eat a lot of the same meals each month but we do try to eat healthy. I ended up spending $99 which was most of my Free $100 Publix gift card but we saved $73 and hopefully we won’t need to buy many more groceries this month. This is a new strategy for us because we usually make several smaller grocery shopping trips rather than one big one and probably still buying a few smaller things here and there. We already have stocked up on A LOT of canned veggies and things like sauces from previous shopping trips this year when they hit rock bottom prices which means Rather than bore you with all of the things I bought (it was A LOT) here are some of the best deals from this shopping trip-
B1G1 Free Chi Chi’s Seasoned Ground Beef, 15 oz, at $5.99 ($2.99)
B1G1 Free Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, at $4.59 lb ($2.29 lb)
B1G1 Free Publix Shredded Cheese, 6-8 oz, $2.50
DiGiorno Pizza, 31.2-33.6 oz, $5
-$1.50 off DiGiorno pizzeria! pizza Printable
-$1.50 off DiGiorno pizzeria! pizza, Publix eCoupon
-$1/2 DiGiorno’s rising crust frozen pizzas, Target coupon Printable
-$1.50 off DiGiorno Pizzeria! pizza, SS 4/21
-$2 off Digiorno Pizzeria Pizza Facebook Printable
-$5/$20 Nestle product purchase, Target coupon Printable
Cost After Coupons-$3
Stouffer’s Family Size Entree, 25-49 oz, $3.99
-$1.50 off Stouffer’s family, large family or party size entree, 25-96 oz, SS 3/10
-$1.50 off Stouffer’s entree, family size Facebook Printable
-$5/$20 Nestle product purchase, Target coupon Printable
Cost After Coupons-$2.49
– Plus the two above deals allowed me to use -$5/$20 Nestle product purchase, Target coupon Printable
2 Publix Salads 2 for $4 and 2 Small Wishbone Dressings $1.79 each
$2 WYB buy a Publix Salad and Wishbone Dressing Publix Coupon On Stand In Front of Store
Cost After Coupons- 2 Free + Wishbone Dressings because I was already buying the salads
Betty Crocker Blueberry Muffin Mix
– $1 off When You Buy Publix Eggs and Betty Crocker Muffin Mix Publix Coupon On Stand In Front of Store
Cost After Coupons- Made the Muffin Mix .29 cents because I was already buying the eggs
Snap Tea $2.50
– Free Mail In Rebate TearPad in Front of Display
Cost After Rebate- Free
Hass Avacados $1 each
B1G1 Free Breakstone’s Sour Cream, 16 oz, at $2.09 ($1.04)
B1G1 Free Mama Francesa Imported Parmesan Cheese, 8 oz, at $3.49 ($1.74)
Technically this shopping trip was entirely FREE thanks to my Free $100 Publix gift card so we-
Spent- $0.00
Saved- $173.21
This will really help our Grocery Budget for this month!

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