AT&T U-verse Anniversary Gift- Free $15 Visa Gift Card and a Movie

imageFor our 2 year anniversary with At&t U-verse they sent us a Free $15 Visa Card and a Movie. We have to follow some steps online to redeem them but it’s still a nice gift. The idea is to get take out with the gift card and then a free movie through their service but we can use the gift card for anything we want.

Overall, we have been very happy with U-verse as a cable and internet provider. They are much cheaper than other service providers in the area and the deal we currently have gives us over 200 cable channels, HD channels, 2 cable boxes, and a free DVR for little more than we would be paying just for internet service. I know having cable is a frugal taboo but we often like to stay home instead of going out (aka spending even more money) so for the price of one dinner out per month this has been very worthwhile for us.

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  1. I am very happy with my at&t service

  2. Godwin Nwidaadah

    I am very happy with services I am receiving from AT&T.

  3. ketty charles pierre

    i’m very satisfied with at&t u verse services

  4. ketty charles pierre

    a&t u verse services is one of a kind i would recommended it to any one

  5. Joyce Klossen

    I got a card for $20.00 but I can not get My AT&T Visa Rewards Card

  6. I like att services

  7. very satisfied

  8. terrance mulhall

    I am trying to received my 15.00 reward card but did not have any luck it said the acc vas wrong but it was not

  9. terrance mulhall

    I am happy with at&t but I wish they would give the old customer the same as a new one without changing to another company first like Comcast when it was due

  10. Ballina Garcia-Robles

    Satisfied with AT&T services.

  11. i love my service

  12. Guadalupe s Gonzalez

    We’re very happy with att n the service they have is great . Always on time .

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