I was in a minor car accident on my birthday. I decided that the scratch on my car was not enough to call the other driver’s insurance company. She was very nice and owned up to making a mistake. Yesterday, she mailed me a $100 money order and a $25 restaurant gift card. Karma is real!
Frugal Things
– I have been going to local rummage sales and neighborhood yard sales. So much fun! We have been able to purchase some of the things we have been looking for including things to sell in our online business, storage, video game stuff for B, gifts for our nephew.
– The weather has gotten a lot colder here in FL which will mean huge savings on our air conditioning bill. We can smell the neighbors backyard camp fires which is lovely but also makes me want to get a fire pit.
– We aren’t traveling for Thanksgiving which is a huge savings. Nor are we making a huge Thanksgiving meal for 2 people so we are planning to grill steaks. Not buying and cooking a huge meal will be a huge savings for us and we will still have a great day.
– It’s hard to leave the house with a hurt puppy so we are saving money that way.
– B has been cooking great meals at home so little eating out.
– I had free pizza lunch at a work meeting and there was extra for me to bring home to B.
– My sister and nephew and bro in law have decided to visit FL in Dec. They can’t stay with us because of the puppy and allergies so they are getting a hotel. I love having them stay with us but this will definitely save us money. They can’t fly with their stroller so I am going to buy them a cheap one at the thrift store for their Disney visit. They have a relative who works at Disney so they will be getting in for free.
– Our dishwasher disposal and hot water heater both stopped working and our landlord got a plumber out the day that we called. One of the only perks of renting in my opinion.
– My dad lent us his pressure sprayer, ladder and leaf blower so that we could clean off our pool deck. It looks great!
– A bunch of our outside light bulbs went out at once and they weren’t cheap to replace on Amazon but I randomly found a 6 pack of the light bulbs we needed at Publix for about $11.
– I needed to donate our leftovers from our yard sale, I was going to load them in my car and take them to the thrift shop but it turns out the Vietnam Veterans are collecting donations in my area on Monday so I called and now I only have to put everything outside the garage.
Not So Frugal
– The puppy hurt himself at doggy daycare and was having a hard time walking. We were very upset but they paid for his xrays and took him to and from the vet before we even picked him up. He is slowly starting to do better. He needed to be able to stretch out so this led to purchasing a bigger crate for him ASAP rather than waiting to find one second hand. Walmart had them for a good price but they were out of stock everywhere so they sold me their floor model for 10% off. We also bought more toys to occupy him when he can’t run and jump around. We almost rushed the puppy back to the vet when he decided to get up and walk over to us. He still has a long way to go but is getting better every day.
– Also because everything seems to happen at once, we are concerned that the pets have tape worms. Fortunately, the medicine is cheaper on Amazon with free one day shipping so we were able to treat all of them the next day for about half the price of the pet store and not vet visits involved.
Extra Income
– We had our annual neighborhood garage sale and in 2 days with only small items I made almost $200.
– I have had really good luck purchasing items to sell on Poshmark and eBay at local yard sales and rummage sales including Lilly Pulitzer items, Johnny Was and Coach.
– I pursued an online teaching gig since this summer that didn’t end up working out. I’m bummed but there is nothing I can do.
– An exciting opportunity presented itself at work and I was going to do it for free but it turns out I will get paid for it.
– I have earned some more gift cards through Swagbucks that I used towards some things we needed online.
Sustainability Living (Eco Friendly, Harmful Chemical Free, Reduced Waste, etc.)
– I have been continuing my advocacy of Sustainability at work and we are trying our best to be sustainable at home.

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