Updates- The black Sam Edelman riding boots (top center) sold for $50 + shipping on Poshmark
The black Ariat boots (top right) sold for $35 + shipping on Poshmark
I visited my sister in Austin, Tx and we both love going to the Goodwill Outlet bins and I bought home some of my finds. They all cost $1.49 per pound or less because they charged us $14 for a whole cart. I didn’t have to pay to bring anything home because on the plane because we used the free bags that came with our tickets on Jet Blue airline.
Updates- The colorful Papillon Birkenstocks on the bottom right sold for $26 + shipping on Poshmark
– The tan Birkenstocks next to them sold for $50 + shipping on Poshmark.
– The red Toms sold for $20 + shipping on Poshmark

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