We went to a local fishing festival at a local historic downtown with a live bluegrass band and then to an Asian Light Festival at the zoo last night. The first was free the second wasn’t but it’s still good to support local programs and we had fun.
Frugal Things
– Saved $150 by getting my dog’s yearly shots at the local SPCA shot clinic instead of the vet.
– Learned that our 50lb puppy, who won’t let anyone cut his nails, won’t need to get his nails clipped if we walk/run him on concrete a lot. All the more motivation for free exercise.
– My aunt just gave me a list of a bunch of free ebook websites. I am trying to read more and usually get my ebooks free from the library.
– Free lunch and leftover snack from a work meeting last week.
– We cooked breakfast at home instead of going out to eat. At least $50 saved and breakfast was great.
– I bought an orange tree for 50% off because it looked a bit faded. Apparently all you have to do is ask nicely at Home Depot and they might give you a discount on the plants that they own as opposed to have delivered from a nursery.
– Prepped some yogurts for breakfast so that I make it easier not to buy food on work days.
– As I write this, I have a pot of split pea soup on the stove. It’s main ingredients are a $2 bag of split peas and the leftover ham bone from Christmas. So cheap and delicious
Not So Frugal
– Buying a year worth of Trifexis for the dogs. However, it was much easier than dealing with an online pet pharmacy and trying to get the vet to send over our pet’s records. Trifexis isn’t cheap to begin with but we love our pets enough that we don’t want them to every get heartworms, other worms or fleas. And we really, really hate fleas in this house! We haven’t had any flea issues (they are horrible here in FL) since we started using it and we don’t spray for bugs in the house.
Extra Income
– Still working my second job. It’s great extra income but does get tedious at moments.
– Just sold an item on Poshmark.
– Trying to be very selective about what I buy to resell. I want an items to have a list price of at least $30 (ideally) and a sales price of at least $20.
– Listed a bunch of books on eBay. I figured out a system and finished 17 listings, pictures to listed, in two hours. I haven’t sold books on eBay in forever so I guess I’ll see how they do.
– Listed some new Poshmark listings. I haven’t gotten a lot of action from them yet but my strategy is to list high and then lower the price slowly if items don’t sell.
Sustainability Living (Eco Friendly, Harmful Chemical Free, Reduced Waste, etc.)
– Continuing to buy everything possible secondhand. This has also saved us a small fortune over the past 10 years.
– Specific clothing items that I need I have been buying off of Poshmark with my credit for selling items. It helps to fill in items that I have a hard time finding right when I need them at the thrift shop.

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