The pups have been making sure that we all get some exercise. We are glad they are feeling a lot better.
Frugal Things
– I found generic Allergy Medicine Claritin, which I take every day for $13 for a year supply, a huge savings over $20 for 90 days if it works

– Selling more items on Poshmark, I have so much fun with it and I’m making decent money on thrifted items
– The dogs being back on Trifexis is important because it’s way more expensive to treat a flea outbreak or heartworms than to prevent them in the first place. We love our fur kids.
– I had to help run a meeting at work and WAY too much food was ordered. My colleague divided it up and sent me home with a big foil pan. It was enough for 3 BBQ meals.
– We went hiking with my brother and our collective 4 dogs. He sent us home with water and snacks. We wanted to get take out after but resisted.

Wild berries! Anyone know what kind?
– Spending time in the Florida Sun and visiting with family, it’s free and good for the soul
– Our vacuum is a $20 thrifted Dyson, it got clogged but I know how to fix it and it will run great again. If it doesn’t I got another Dyson vacuum for $14 that also works.
– We wanted to go to dinner and a movie but there was nothing at the theater we wanted to watch. We decided to go to happy hour at a restaurant near our house. Unbelievably cheap prices for drinks and good food. We walked 5 min home and got some exercise.
– Our cats continue to use their Cat Genie litter box which has saved us so much money. B fixes it when it clogs. One of the cats has been chewing on the extension cord. It took me wayyyyy too long to find a heavy duty replacement but I did and a cord cover and it saves us so much time and money over traditional litter.
– I’m still bringing my coffee, breakfast, snacks and lunch to work.
-We went to a reasonably priced local restaurant for our Friday night date. We used a free appetizer coupon and took advantage of happy hour. Still not cheap but cheaper than it could have been.
– Living in Florida means that going on cruises can be very affordable vacations for us but like anything else you can easily spend double what you need to. We compared and compared and compared prices and ports and cruise lines and found a great deal. We are leaving from the closest port so no additional travel expenses and we will figure out how to get there so we don’t have to pay a port fee. We didn’t choose the idea destinations as we are more interested in sailing on the ship (and eating!). We are forgoing the expensive drink package and will bring some drinks of our own. We picked a 4-5 day trip so that we don’t have to pay a pet sitter even longer. No doubt vacations cost money but we saved ourselves at least $1,000 by booking this way. This trip will also double as a birthday and celebration trip.
– We booked a weekend trip to visit my sister, her husband and my nephew. We will stay with them so we avoid the cost of a hotel and rental car. We are leaving from the closest airport so that we don’t have to park there and we are only staying the weekend. We are only taking backpacks we can put under the seats in front of us so we don’t have to pay for baggage. We will do a lot of fun activities while we are visiting.
– We waited to watch the movie On The Basis of Sex until we could watch it at home rather than the theatre. We are huge RBG fans and feminists so we appreciated the movie.
– I have been watching a lot of streaming TV shows while working on Poshmark and grading for my day job. I am thinking of getting streaming cable for $16 a month with a DVR but haven’t had time to look into it yet.
Not So Frugal
– The dogs were both sick and our vet was in the middle of an emergency so we tried a new vet open til 10pm, the price was very affordable for 2 dogs, they will now refill their Trifexis for fleas and heart worms and the vet recommended a new dog food we can buy at the grocery store vs. the pet store prices and inconvenience, vets are never cheap but at least they are well again and we got great information.
Extra Income
– I have been selling more items than ever on Poshmark but I know that will slow down as I won’t have much time to devote to it until the semester ends.
– I don’t have time to list much on Poshmark but I’m still sourcing inventory, washing it and organizing it so that when I have more time to list and pack items for sale I will have plenty to list.
– My second job didn’t need me again this month but Poshmark has picked up the slack so far and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate the break.
Sustainability Living (Eco Friendly, Harmful Chemical Free, Reduced Waste, etc.)
– We continue to clean the house in eco friendly ways. That does make it harder to get rid of mold and mildew for long.
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