We went to the Goodwill outlet with no expectations since we had never been before. My sister was visiting me in Austin, TX my new home so we decided to go to this infamous thrift store, where most items are $1.39lb. Yelp reviews were basically 50/50 between this place is awesome and this place is hell. To us the Goodwill outlet is paradise enough so that we went twice in two days! The above picture shows some of our finds including a cast iron Le Creuset cast iron skillet, bags of clothes, a rolling duffle, and a sewing machine. Scroll down to see more from our two trips!

Shopping Tips:
1. Have lots of time to browse. Take a picture of the price chart to reference.
2. Bring gloves, hand sanitizer and a reusable bag at minimum. To be super prepared bring these additional items: measuring tape, a luggage scale, a screwdriver. Don’t be intimidated by the shopping conditions
3. Do not touch carts parked within yellow lines on the floor. This is designated space for shoppers to leave their carts while they shop for more treasures.
4. If you decide to park your cart in a safe place find a throw or scarf to drape over it so no one will be able to see your finds. Also watch for sneaky shoppers just in case.
5. A section will be closed when they switch out the old bins for new ones. People then line up waiting for the new bins which cannot be shopped until the rows are finished. Once an associate gives the go ahead to shop there will be a stampede for bargains! We watched this spectacle a few times before we braved the crowed. The rush can be compared to a runners high! (It is much easier to navigate this crowd with just a bag)
6. Grab anything you think you want to buy and put it in your cart or bag. You can go through it later.
7. Bring a buddy who knows your taste and isn’t easily intimidated.
8. Know the sizes of your family/ friends because you never know what you might find.
Have fun it is going to be crazy but you will find bargains!

Our Finds:
A slightly dirty Coach purse (check back soon to see how we try to clean it up)

Lots of expensive glassware 20 items for $1.99 including a large pyrex casserole dish, pyrex pie dish, pyrex bowl, two corning ware dishes with lids, 3 vision cookware lids, 3 blue mason jars, a pyrex measuring cup, cafe du mode coffee cup, and a stainless steel water bottle!

This real leather satchel / laptop bag Solo brand. We paid $2.99 and it’s still currently selling online for over $120

The above really cool brown shelves and picture

The above seatbelt brand purse that is currently selling on eBay for $50-100

Really nice children’s books 5 for $1

The above generic magic bullet for $1 and it works!

This storage trunk for $2.99

A rolling laptop bag for $2.99, everything else was weighed @ 1.39lb

Damage from our first trip including a giant wicker basket for $1 and a free Ikea comforter from another Austin thrift store. Several purses and tons of clothes!

A floor steamer for 99 cents and it works! An ikea lamp and a bag of corks for DIY projects.

All the Vera Bradley bags we found over two days. We found more, but decided not to buy the other purses.

Little girls dress up clothes 1.39lb. These will be a Christmas gift for a friend’s daughter.
Overall, we had a blast at the Goodwill Outlet. Not for the faint of heart, but great for pirate thrifters.
Have you ever been to a Goodwill Outlet and what did you find?

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