We walked to a yard sale in our neighborhood and I bought the above pictured dress form for $20. It was covered in a lot of fall crap but underneath was an expensive and adjustable sewing dress form that I am using for my Poshmark/ Ebay sales pictures and will be able to use for my sewing projects as well. This dress form would have cost well over $100 to buy new.
Frugal Things
– This week things really picked up at work at both of my main jobs. And then my laptop died. I don’t like having to rush through a decision about which laptop to buy but I didn’t have any choice and I think it turned out okay. It’s never frugal replacing a laptop but by ordering it on Amazon I saved $500 over purchasing one immediately at Best Buy, I didn’t go with the cheapest option because those laptops only seem to last a year or two, instead I got a slightly better one and hopefully it will last a little longer because I really don’t want to have to go through this process again. So far I love it!
– I was able to rent a laptop from work until my new laptop arrived
– We have been eating at home, mostly thanks to B who has been cooking
– We finally found a new dog groomer for the pup’s nails and glands, this is frugal because if he gets a clogged gland it’s very expensive and, frankly, it’s not worth the money saved to fight him for hours to do his nails at home
– We carpooled with friends to a Burger Battle from local restaurants, our tickets were half off through a deal B found and no gas expense either
– Our local thrift shop gets the Disney lost and found ever few months and I did some great Christmas shopping for very low prices
– B cut his own hair and my hair
– I wanted to order pizza for everyone for a work meeting and I was able to get work to pay for it so I didn’t have to. We ordered pizza from a locally owned place and it turned out great. They were willing to give us a similar deal to a chain place that is usually used whose owner has expressed beliefs that I cannot support even if the money isn’t coming from my pocket. Took home 2 leftover slices for a snack.
– My mother gave me a keyboard and shirt when I visited her so I didn’t have to buy the keyboard and she fed me dinner
– We are keeping our Cat Genie unplugged when we aren’t home so that we only run it when it needs to be run, saving us money
– Decided not to leave the house Sunday, this saves time and money and instead I got ahead at work
– I found B a new pair of running shoes at the thrift shop for $1. Shoes are usually outrageously expensive.
– Mom was having some eBay printing trouble and I was able to sort it out for her online and she was able to print her shipping labels at work.
– We visited my Mom to help with her printer and cell phone issues and it turned out to be a much cheaper trip then we thought. We thought we would have to buy her a new cell phone to get it to work as a WiFi hotspot (the only way she can get internet at her house) but they helped us at the store so we didn’t have to. Then we went to eat and I downloaded the Moe’s Ap and got her meal for free. Then we bought her printer ink and it was cheaper at Walmart than anywhere else. Then the $7.50 printer we got at the thrift store worked so she could return the $40 printer she purchased.
– I really need to get to Trader Joe’s for several of their harmful chemical free products but unfortunately have not made it. I’m making due without but I’m almost out of toothpaste so I will have to go soon. This is frugal because I’m using up every last drop of product I have
Not So Frugal
– Replacing a laptop is never cheap but I’m happy with the one above that I bought
– I bought a $10 in the box printer from the thrift shop for my mom who needs one but unfortunately it doesn’t work. We are going to return it. Unlike Goodwill, they only do returns on electronics which is fine.
Extra Income
– I have continued to earn some small online income
– My 2nd contract job has been renewed and I am happy for the extra income even though it means a lot more work for me, partnering with a friend who has the same contract to make things easier
– I have sold several things online that were listed over the summer
– I need to list more items for sale but I just haven’t had the time
– I did end up listing and selling the below rob that paid for the new dress form! It sold one day after listing.

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