I bought the above Dyson for $14 and it works! We might keep it or sell it.
This post is going to be quite jumbled because I got behind posting these thrift find updates. I also post these for myself to remind me when and how much I paid for what I sell when I sell items for my online selling business. I have been doing really well with my online selling business as I’m spending more time building it up for the summer when I’m off from my full time job.
To save time I will say that most items posted below cost less than $2 each, unless noted.
This 50′ Samsung TV cost $60 with the remote!
I paid $8.99 for these Harley Davidson boots that I hope will sell for a good price on Poshmark.
Each of these BORN shoes cost $1 a pair and are already listed for sale online.
The above highly collectible Roseville pottery was $1.
These shoes were $1 and in worse shape than I thought but I still want to see if they sell online. I am learning to clean up shoes to sell.
This backpack purse was NWT and cost $2.
The brand new pack of tank tops were $2.50 and all other items were $2 or less each.
These dresses were $2 each and I bought them for myself to wear while teaching.
I bought these two sets of towels that include 2 large towels, 2 hand towels and two washcloths each for $3 per set. I kept one and gave one set to my mom.
The shoes were $1 a pair. The swifter was $2 for my mom. You can buy the cloths at Dollar Tree. A new swifter is $15-20 each.
Update- The Adidas shoes on the top left sold for $30 + shipping on Poshmark, the Nike shoes below them sold for $38 + shipping on Poshmark
Shoes $1 a pair.
Clothes were $2 or less each.
This White House Black Market Coat was $2.
These UGGs were $6.99. I probably overpaid for them but I won’t lose money on them. They will sell but not for as much as I hoped.
All items below were $2 or less each. Shoes were $1 a pair.
Update- The above tan, UGG sandals sold for $30 + shipping on Poshmark
I got these True Religion jeans for $1 at a new, very tiny thrift shop.

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