
buttonShopaholic Savers was started as a way to share our frugal living tips and ideas with people who keep asking us about them! We save money through couponing, smart use of our resources, and living green. We love to shop and know that many of you do too, but we like to shop in a way that doesn’t break the bank and shopping for free is even better! We have always been smart shoppers but about 2 years ago we discovered couponing and our savings have really taken off. This blog shows how we do our real household shopping. This isn’t a blog about being cheap, it’s about getting the most for your money.

We would love to hear from you. E-mail natalie_ey@yahoo.com or leave a comment on the blog with any questions or comments.

Why are we frugal? Because we want to choose where our money goes and when. We don’t want to owe anyone anything. The truth? Our cars were bought with cash years ago and we don’t have car payments. Our expensive furniture was not expensive for us because most of it was obtained second hand or with smart shopping or was given to us. Instead of using the money we have left over after we pay our bills frivolously we try to use it consciously so that we can save for really amazing experiences. We love to travel.

That being said, we do occasionally go out to eat and to the movies and shopping (sometimes even without coupons *gasp*). We do not live a life that makes us feel deprived. Our smart spending enables us to live a really amazing life, work less, do more fun stuff and help those we love when they need it. 🙂

Now you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest too!




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  1. woo hoo! go nat, you’re awesome:)

  2. Love the blog nat!

  3. Love your blog – being in Florida as well i am certainly looking for some inspiration on how to save money, our grocery budget was getting way out of hand in our house so I’ve been making some changes. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Great web-site, I will tell everyone!

  5. Thank you for all you do to help us save money!

  6. I am interested in receiving this Go shopping Orlando at my house at 2032 Las Palmas Cir. Orlando, FL 32822.

    • ShopaholicSavers

      I think you are confused. If you are interested in receiving the El Sentinel you have to contact the Orlando Sentinel.

  7. The site looks great! Love the new look!

  8. Thank you for telling me about this site!!!

    • ShopaholicSavers

      Thanks for visiting! It was fun sharing info with you. I will probably see you at the health food store!

  9. How do you sign up for the free in the mail stuff?

  10. Hi! I am wondering if this is valid in Toronto, Canada?

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