Tag Archives: Garage Sale

12-16-11 Frugal Reflections- Yard Sale, Hermit Crabs and Oranges

Today was an especially frugal day! I have been dumping stuff that I don’t want in my garage since the day we moved into our house and I finally had a yard sale. We had very few big ticket items, most of the items in my sale were priced at .25 cents. I didn’t spend a penny to have the sale. I advertised on Craig’s list and other yard sale websites, used hand me down or homemade signs and price tags that my family already had. I didn’t have a lot of expectations because I wasn’t sure how good our neighborhood was for yard sales since I had never had one here. I figured if I made a few dollars and got rid of some stuff that was good enough for me.

We actually made $44 and we were very happy with that! We also got rid of a lot of stuff both from the sale and from me cleaning /organizing the rest of the garage while we were having the sale. It was a fun day with my mom, we made a little money, met some nice people, got rid of some stuff and got a little exercise.

After the sale I finally set up our hermit crab, Jeffery’s new tank which has been sitting in the garage and he was sooo happy he climbed to the top of his new log. I had no idea hermit crabs liked to climb. I had bought the tank at a thrift store for CHEAP and used sand from our back yard (FREE) as well at some of his hermit crab sand.

Then we went in the backyard and picked oranges off of one of our trees. They are the ugly kind of Fl oranges that taste so sweet. There is nothing better than getting FREE fruit from our backyard. Overall, a busy fun and frugal day.

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