Tag Archives: Yard Sale

5-31-12 Thrift Shopping Trip

I love thrift shops and yard sales probably because I grew up going to them. It’s so much fun to find something that would cost an arm and a leg new at a thrift shop for coin change. It’s eco-friendly and saves money. Yesterday, I was really excited because one of my favorite thrift shops that sells clothes for .25¢ and .50¢ had a bunch of Hollister, American Eagle, Aeropostale, Roxy, Vans, etc. clothes in my size that I actually liked. I spent about $7 and got all of the stuff in these pictures with the exception of the suit jacket which is Isaac Mizrahi and I got it for .80¢ at another thrift shop but I wanted to put it in the picture. Just one of these shirts would usually cost at least $20 new so I probably got about $300 worth of clothes for $7.

I was going back and looking at my posts recently and realized that I don’t post my thrift shop / yard sale finds as often as I thought I was so I’m going to start posting them more often because I have found a lot of fun stuff recently.

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