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5-21-18 A Few Frugal Things- Garage Door and Poshmark Sales

I am now a couple weeks into Summer break! It’s finally warm enough that we have been swimming once in the pool. Then it has rained for a week straight. It’s very weird not to be going to work every day and grading a million things.

A few frugal things

– We had not gone grocery shopping since last month. We picked up a few small items here and there and made due. We saved a lot of money doing that but we got to the point where we will have to go get groceries and we are trying for a $100 meal plan for the last two weeks of the month.

– Mother’s day just passed and, rather than wanting flowers or jewelry, my mother wanted help around her house (she is a smart lady!). B completely replaced the insides of her toilet and we painted her garage door. Her roof was damaged during the last hurricane so she just got a new roof from the insurance company. We are slowly improving her house that will be paid off in 2 years. We also took her to lunch and Dollar Tree and the hardware store and then did work around her house.

– My mother gave us a lot of flower pots that she wasn’t using. They will be perfect to transplant our current plants into bigger pots.

– We are taking advantage of the rain to water our plants and fill the pool.

– We have really been enjoying our small veggie garden in pots on the patio. We haven’t killed anything yet. I was thinking that we should really start a garden in the backyard. We have been hesitant to do that because we are renting and farm hunting and didn’t want to start a garden to have to try to move it. But I can’t keep waiting.

– No sooner did we decide to plant a garden but we found some wood by the side of the road in a neat trash pile that will be perfect for making the garden box walls. A garden made from scavenged material! I’m excited. See above picture of the wood.

– Composting is also going well so hopefully that will help create some good soil for the garden.

– I got a really amazing, waterproof raincoat at the thrift store for $2. It should be especially helpful for the rainy FL summer.

– We absolutely love Swagbucks! We have both won hundreds of gift cards in the past year. We have been having fun playing their daily trivia gave through phone called Swag IQ. We earn points called SBs that we redeem for the gift cards. It’s kind of like being on a game show from your house! You can actually win a decent amount of SBs which you can turn into PayPal cash or gift cards.

– We finally bought the groceries we needed for the last two weeks of the month and only spent $120.

– I met someone who lives around the corner from me at my Friday class. We are going to carpool which will save us both money on gas and tolls. This will actually probably save me about $20. She also has a return to make at our downtown IKEA and I volunteered to go with her so I will also be able to get the $2 two hot dogs and a soda lunch! I love IKEA hotdogs!

– Hurricane season is fast approaching and after last year’s disaster where we didn’t have power for a week I have stocked up on some supplies from the local thrift shop and dollar store including a battery-operated fan, a battery-operated lantern, candles, a kettle, a million small phone battery backup chargers and some more solar lighting. We still need a radio.

Not so Frugal

– We might have to take the cat back to the vet for her UTI. We were going to take her but then I spoke with a friend who owns the cat’s parents and she gave me a few good suggestions to try first. We are going to try buying special UTI cat food. I’m sure the food won’t be cheap but it will be cheaper than the vet.

– I really need new break pads for my car. I spend a lot of time committing. When I was at the dealership recently for a free recall they told me it would only be $800. No way! My father volunteered to do it or I will take the car to our family mechanic but either way it won’t be $800.

Extra Income

– I am taking a faculty development class, every Friday for 5 weeks. It stinks to have such a set Friday schedule for most of my break but I will get paid $500. They also already bought us free lunch the first week and snacks and hot drinks every week.

– I sold a Lane Bryant jacket today that I had bought at the thrift shop for $2. See above picture. Today I found a pair of Miss Me jeans that sell very well for $2.50. I have now sold 4 items on Poshmark. Not bad considering I only started using it at the middle of last month.

Harmful Chemical Free and Reduced Waste Living

– B bought this very odd drain snake thing for $1 at Dollar Tree and it worked! That AMAZING $1 item completely cleared two of our sinks that were no longer draining properly. No more toxic drain cleaner for us!

– I actually, finally, after 6 months of looking found a floor steamer at the thrift shop for $5! Unfortunately, it didn’t come with the washable, cloth mop head but I can buy it online for less than $10. Considering the new steamer is about $80 this was a great deal. Floor steamers work so well, use only water and take the place of tons of floor scrubbing.

– I ALWAYS bring my stainless steel, reusable water bottle with me everywhere I go. It helps that I work at a Sustainability friendly college where there are water bottle fill stations everywhere. For the first time I remembered to bring a reusable cup for other drinks when I am out and about. I need to make a sustainability kit with reusable everything to just bring with me.

Thrift Shopping Heads Up- It’s time to look for Boots!

This is officially the time of year where the weather starts to warm up and that means it is also a great time to buy boots at Thrift Shops. I have bought all of the above pairs for next year in the past month. They were $1 or $2 each and because I have room to store them until next year it will save me a lot of money! Not to mention that I love boots and generally wear through them in one season.

Swagbucks Sponsored Post: Get 300 bonus SB when you sign up for Swagbucks in May

All throughout May you can earn large bonuses when sign up as my referral on Swagbucks. Swagbucks is a rewards site where you earn points (called SB) for things you’re probably doing online already, like searching, watching videos, discovering deals, and taking surveys. Then you take those points and exchange them for gift cards to places like Amazon, Starbucks, or PayPal cash.

When you sign up through me this month, you can earn a 300 SB bonus! Here’s how:

1. Sign up using this link 

2. Earn 300 SB total before June 1st, 2018. You’ll get a 300 SB bonus for it!

3. That’s it. It’s super easy, and Swagbucks is for real. I use it myself, and I’ve earned hundreds of dollars in gift cards and I have used them for everything from Christmas to special treats.

4-28-18 A Few Frugal Things

(The kittens love the rug my friend gave us)

I am now on Summer break! After teaching 3 semesters in a row I have 7.5 weeks off! My friend gave me the above runner rug that matches a room size rug she gave me before.

A few frugal things

– I turned in and submitted all of my grades for Spring Semester on Thurs afternoon. They aren’t actually due until Monday but I am getting paid the same whether I work over 3 additional days or not so I work harder to get them turned in as soon as the finals are over. I believe my students appreciate it too. I now have 7 and a half weeks off. It’s amazing to have this time to rest, recharge and maybe travel but it is also over 2 months without a paycheck.

– I took advantage of a deal on B1G1 free cereal that came with a free code for a free movie ticket. We were going to go to the movies anyways so this basically makes the cereal free.

– We went to Dollar Tree and I was able to purchase more LED lightbulbs for $1, I also got 2 loaves of bread and 2 pots for my tomato plants.

– This morning I repotted my tomato plants. The store was out of top soil but I found some in an old pot in the backyard. I can’t wait until we actually have tomatoes.

– I had a return to do at Lowes for about $12. I noticed they were having a 5 for $15 vegetable plant sale and decided that would be a good use for the money. We now have a few more plants in our small patio veggie garden. The needed bigger pots right away but pots were expensive at Lowes so I made do by recycling some food containers and using some old pots I found in the backyard. The old backyard pots also had top soil in them so we haven’t had to buy that yet.

– It’s just starting to be warm enough to enjoy the pool! We are excited!

– My father gave us his cable login to use on a variety of Aps. We are able to watch cable for free! In exchange we shared our HULU login.

– Went to lunch with my friends who are also professors. I was able to do a $7.99 lunch special that came with pizza, a salad and a soda.

– My friends and I also seem to have a lot of stuff to exchange. I gave one friend a Christmas tree while another friend gave me books and a rug. Another friend gave my mom a printer.

– The dog decided that he was no longer going to let the groomer or us trim his nails. We tried and tried. Finally we bought a Dremel off of Amazon and finally today we pinned him down and were able to trim a few nails. This is a battle we have to win because he can’t keep walking on his claws. (Did I mention he is only 16 pounds???)

Not so Frugal

– Our poor cat who has the UTI already cost us $120 at the vet and may need to go back. We aren’t sure yet but really hoping she’s fine now.

– We finally had to purchase $120 in flea and heartworm meds for the dog. The other prescription flea meds weren’t working at all. The price is similar but this is a lot to pay all at once. If it works there will be a savings in washing everything less and also not having to purchase separate heartworm medicine which can also be expensive.

– We tried using cheaper cat litter and not only did it get everywhere but it didn’t work as well or control the smell as much. Back to the expensive litter we went. (I’m realizing that most of this list of not so frugal things mostly seem to involve our pets.)

– We had friends and family stay the night on Friday and I thought I had purchased enough groceries for dinner. Unfortunately, at the hectic end of the semester my planning was a little off and we needed about $30 more in groceries.

Extra Income

– Still gathering items from the house for a yard sale and asking friends to join me which makes it more fun.

– I am gearing up my eBay and Poshmark online selling business for my 7 weeks off of work.

– I sold a set of young adult books and mailed them off in a recycled box with tape my mother gave me for free. I try to get an additional use out of Amazon’s excessive packaging!

– I sold another sewing pattern. I need to do more with this side hustle since it is passive income after the initial work.

Harmful Chemical Free Living

– Still need a new floor steamer but haven’t had any luck finding one.

(My small pot veggie garden. It’s a start!)

5-4-18 Thrift Finds- Clothes, Clothes, Clothes (Now to Sell!)

I bought a huge bag of clothes for about $30 including everything in the below 6 pictures. The goal is to sell these items on eBay and Postmark.

Update- The above black and red Adidas kids tracksuit sold for $18+ shipping on Poshmark. I didn’t have much luck selling the rest of the kids clothes.

I bought the above 3 outfits for my nephew.

The below 5 photos are from about 5 different thrift trips. They are a mix of stuff for us and to sell. All clothes cost $1 or $2 or less besides 1 maxi dress that was $3.

Update- The above floral maxi dress sold for $20+ shipping on Poshmark.

Wish me luck with my online sales!

Frugal Tip of the Day- Reusuable Plastic Baggies and Drying them

I finally purchased reusable plastic baggies! These were exactly what I wanted. I LOVE replacing single use items with items that can be used for years to come. They save $ and the planet! 

My tip is that I am using a thrifted, old file sorter to dry them after washing. 

5-10-18 Thrift Finds- Armillary Sphere

I have wanted an armillary sphere for almost 8 years but they are so darn expensive! Today I found the above one at the thrift shop for $5!!!!

The stuff below is from a couple recent thrift trips! All clothes were less than $2.50, most $1 each.

I found a couple of cool books for my one year old nephew, a couple tiny stuffed animals for the puppy, a marble utensil holder for a dollar fifty, and a Yeti style coffee mug for a dollar!

This picture shows everything I bought to sell including a J crew suit jacket for $2, Hollister jeans for $2.50, two little girls Reeboks shirts, and a Nike Dri-FIT pair of shorts.

The Pug leggings are actually H&M brand and I also bought them to sell. The Star Wars shirt I am also going to list for sale but if it doesn’t sell I’m going to use the fabric for my Star Wars quilt. The dress and skirt I bought to wear to work for myself.

Update- The Pug leggings sold for $8+ shipping on Poshmark.

I got the little makeup mirror that lights up with the cord for about $2 and then I got the Buddhist sculptures for $2 each.

4-13-18 Thrift Finds- Planet Drinking Glasses and More

I bought the above planet drinking glass set for $7.50. I wanted to keep it but they are selling for a decent amount on eBay and so on eBay they go! I also believe they would quickly get broken at my house.

EDIT: These planet drinking glasses sold on eBay for $61 including shipping.

I bought the MK jeans and Kardashian dress to sell on eBay, they were $2 each.

I also got some cute toys for my nephew for $1 each or less.

EDIT: The Harley shirt sold on eBay for $18 plus shipping.

More clothes for work and to sell, all $2 or less each.

I bought these adorable little girls clothes to sell for less than $1 each. The Merimekko dress is from a sought after designer.

B needed new shoes and I got these for $1 each.

More clothes for work and to sell, all $2 or less each.

EDIT: The pink Lane Bryant suit jacket sold on Poshmark for $25 plus shipping.

The curtains were for my mother and were $5 for 2 panels.

Frugal Win of the Day- Tea Pot to Watering Can

My small patio vegetable garden is growing and I wanted a watering can. Instead I have used the above, extra tea pot. I originally bought the tea pot from the thrift shop for next hurricane season but found a better one for that purpose. 

BTW The above two, organic tomato plants were $1 each at a yard sale, the pots were from Dollar Tree, and the table was free (I spray painted it). 

4-21-18 Finds From 2 Rummage Sales and 3 Neighborhood Yard Sales Including Hand Carved Wooden Chests and a Flatscreen 

I had way, way too much fun going to 2 rummage sales and 3 entire neighborhood garage sales! And all within a few minutes of our house.

I was especially excited with the above carved wooden chest that I paid $30 for! They are about 2 feet high when stacked (I mention this because my family thought they were jewelry boxes from the picture). I have wanted some like this for a long time but wasn’t going to pay hundreds of dollars for them. They are (supposedly) hand carved from Bali, Indonesia.

I was also excited to find this Central Fl History book! It was a quarter.

I got 3 Chive On shirts for .25 cents each to sell online.

EDIT: These 3 shirts sold for $15 + shipping on Poshmark.

I also got this box full of clothes to sell online that were .25 cents each or .50 cents each. I probably spent about $8 total and we will see what profit I can turn that into.

We got this small HD flatscreen TV with a remote for $5. I wanted a little TV for the office (when I’m listing all the clothes!) so this is perfect.

I love the above whitewashed, wooden, carving wall hanging. I haven’t figured out where to put it yet but we have a lot of empty walls.

I got those two plastic storage contains for $1.50 for both.

The mirror and bag of marvel toys were $1 each and came with about 30 free hangers that I need to hang the clothes I’m selling.

I got quite a few nicknacks too including a miniature, ceramic bathroom set, an hour glass necklace, an anthropologie, elephant, ring holder dish. My mom told me to look for antique, bronze baby shoes and I got the above one for .50 cents and there is an actual baby shoe inside. I think it’s super creepy.

I picked up some other small stuff too like the bag.

I was also very excited about this $5 dresser. It’s ugly and a little dirty but I really think that it will be perfect when I’m done with it and it’s summer so it’s a good time for a project.

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