I have wanted an armillary sphere for almost 8 years but they are so darn expensive! Today I found the above one at the thrift shop for $5!!!!
The stuff below is from a couple recent thrift trips! All clothes were less than $2.50, most $1 each.
I found a couple of cool books for my one year old nephew, a couple tiny stuffed animals for the puppy, a marble utensil holder for a dollar fifty, and a Yeti style coffee mug for a dollar!
This picture shows everything I bought to sell including a J crew suit jacket for $2, Hollister jeans for $2.50, two little girls Reeboks shirts, and a Nike Dri-FIT pair of shorts.
The Pug leggings are actually H&M brand and I also bought them to sell. The Star Wars shirt I am also going to list for sale but if it doesn’t sell I’m going to use the fabric for my Star Wars quilt. The dress and skirt I bought to wear to work for myself.
Update- The Pug leggings sold for $8+ shipping on Poshmark.
I got the little makeup mirror that lights up with the cord for about $2 and then I got the Buddhist sculptures for $2 each.

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