Category Archives: Do It Yourself

How to get Two Gallons of Milk for the Price of One Forever- Doubling Milk



One grocery item that is almost impossible to buy with coupons is a gallon of regular milk. My boyfriend drinks a lot of milk so we always keep it in the house. The cheapest place that I have been able to buy it is at Aldi but it is still over $2.50 and it usually expires quickly.  But what could we do except buy it anyway? Or so I thought.

Tonight, I came across an article that shows how to turn one gallon of milk into two by adding equal parts milk and water. A crazy idea right? But maybe not. Skim milk tastes watered down to me anyway. Have we simply stumbled on what milk companies have been doing all along?

I tried this last night and it worked! It tasted exactly like skim milk to me. Actually, it tastes better because I believe skim milk also removes some of the fat content. If you don’t like the 1/2 and 1/2 mix try doing 3/4 milk and 1/4 water.

This is a saving money tip that I have never heard of before. It’s little unusual ideas like this that can really add up. If we pay $3 a gallon for milk (on the cheap side) four times a month (most families buy more) that’s $12. If we can cut that in half that’s $6 savings per month or $72 dollars a year that I can spend on something else. And this takes less than 5 minutes to do. People working for minimum wage will work for half an hour to buy a gallon of milk. Your savings rate per hour here is at least $36 an hour.

EDIT- I would link you to the original article but the site no longer exists.

Free Graph Paper

Students know that many Math classes require graph paper. Through part of high school and my entire college career I avoided buying it by printing it free off of the internet instead. I used but I’m sure there are others out there.

Shopping with my Mom and Sister

I had a great day yesterday shopping with my mom and sister. We went to several thrift shops, CVS, and Big Lots. We got a lot of bargains. Here are a few of my favorite.

At CVS the CVS coupon printer was printing coupons for free candy bars and there is also a Hershey bar Free after ECBs (CVS dollars). I also bought 4 small boxes of cereal for .50 cents each

At Big Lots my sister found cat litter for $1 a bag

I have needed a new curtain for the small window in my shower. While it is unlikely that anyone could actually see in we didn’t want to take that chance. I bought 1 yard of clearance fabric for $1.50 and made my own curtain by draping it over the curtain rod and cutting the excess. Why pay for expensive curtains?

Repurposed Glass Jars

My sister Candy, who is planning her wedding, was looking for DIY center pieces when she came across this idea for reusing glass jars. Click HERE to see how.

Six Step Tape French Manicure

People often compliment me on my nails, yet I have been in a nail salon only twice in my life. I have been doing them myself for years and no one can tell the difference. This is a fun and easy way to give yourself a great French Manicure at home.

What I use-

– a plastic cuticle pusher

– a nail clipper

– tape (yes tape!)

– a rough nail file

– a fine nail file

– Sally Henson Instant Dry White Nail Polish- You don’t need instant dry but I find that this works best because it is dry by the time I apply the topcoat

– Sally Henson Top Coat with Nylon and Retinol- The top coat you use will determine how long your manicure will last so make sure you get a good one

Steps I take-

1. I file my nails to the shape I want.

2. I push back all of my cuticles and trim them.

3. I file down any rough spots on the tops of my nails and then wipe off any nail dust.

4. I use a piece of tape to create the white tips of a French manicure by putting the tape under the lines on my real nails and then paint the tip white.

5. When I have painted the tips of all of my nails I then go back and paint over them with the top coat.

6. Let your nails dry before doing anything else and you’re done.

Bonus: You can also do this for a French Pedicure although it does take longer to get the white tips right.

Note- I have used different products/versions of these products over the years but this is what I am currently using. I have also done slight variations on these steps so I encourage you to figure out what works best for you.

Frugal Gift Bags

Has anyone else noticed how expensive gift bags are? I would rather put my money towards the gift than its wrapping. So for my brother and sister’s birthday (they are twins) I decided to get creative. I used my printer to print out Happy Birthday! and attached it to bags I already had.  The one on the left (you might have guessed) was a Victoria’s Secret bag I was given with a free pair of underwear and the one on the right I was given free at a UCF Fair. Both came with tissue paper already.

How to Fix a Broken Pressed Powder Compact

We have all had a makeup compact break on us after we spent our hard earned money on it. However, I never knew that you could fix one so easily. All you have to do is-

1. Mash up the powder the rest of the way

2. Add a small amount of rubbing alcohol

3. Stir until mixed

4. Let it dry

It’s that easy! I tried it on the combined remnants of two $25 compacts that had broken and now I have a whole new compact! That’s a savings of $25. I read that this also works on other forms of pressed compact makeup like bronzer and eye shadow.

Thanks to the amazing book The Complete Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn for this idea and many other frugal ideas.

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