It’s that time of year again- cold and flu season. Unfortunately, I’m sick! I’ve learned my lesson about waiting to go to the doctor and so as soon as I suspected that I had more than a cold I made an appointment and went. I was asking about discounts on prescriptions and the nurse told me that anyone who has a reoccurring prescription should visit the manufacturers website to see if they have a discount. I have a friend who was able to print a coupon for $10 off of her prescription each month. That’s a lot of money saved for a little bit of time.
Another way that I save on prescriptions is by always saving coupons for free gift cards with new or transferred prescriptions. You never know when you or someone near you will get sick and getting a gift card with a prescription is a silver lining in having to go to the pharmacy.

You can also checkout an app if you have an iphone, called free rx icard. We use it a lot in our area.
That’s really cool. I’ve never heard of it. How does it work?