12/31/2010 Publix Shopping Trip

Today was a slightly unusual shopping trip to Publix because, while I did need groceries, I was mostly going tonight because I had a stack of $1 off Bakery, Deli, Meat or Produce Publix coupons that were expiring today.  I found a stack of these coupons in the flyer/Ads/coupon holder in the entrance of Publix. I used 21 $1 off coupons today and I got a lot of stuff. I love dollar amount off department coupons because it gives you the freedom to pick your own items and I usually choose the cheapest items I can get while still qualifying to use the coupons (these coupons required that the items were at least $1 to start with). As you can see, I got quite a haul today. It is usually not easy to get coupons for fresh produce, deli items, bakery items, or meats so I wanted to make sure I got as much as I could (and could use) today. I gave away the rest of the coupons I couldn’t use. I will freeze some of these groceries but most of them we will eat in the next couple of weeks or give away to someone who can use them.

My total after coupons + tax – $11.15

I used $7.22 I had on a visa gift card

Final Total- $3.93 (Not bad at all considering the gallon of milk alone cost me $3.29)

Saved- $23.40 before gift card and $30.62 after the gift card

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