This post is by my sister Candy who is a frugal fasionista. She knows designer brand names and always finds the best designer deals!
For years my mother, sister, and I have been thrifting but more recently I have become obsessed with shopping at Goodwill. One of my goals for this year was to shop for all my new clothes at Goodwill and other thrift stores in my area. Instead of going straight to the mall when I need a new shirt or dress I head to Goodwill, which is conveniently a few minutes away from my local mall. Also there is a Goodwill on the way to the university I attend. Also the stores in my area offer a 10% off student discount which I always take advantage of. Here are some of my recent finds:
Toms Wedges-Retail 69.00 I paid. 5.99 . When I first tried them on they were a little tight but I bought them anyways because I was determined to squeeze my feet into those wedges. A few weeks and sore feet later they are probably the favorite pair of shoes I own.
Now I have been wanting these Kino sandals for about four years now but they are only sold in Key West or online and “ain’t nobody got time” to take a trip to the keys for 13 dollar sandals. I got mine for $3.99. Not necessarily as cheap as I would have liked but I have no intentions of taking a vacation to the Florida Keys anytime soon.
This is a Kathy Von Zeeland purse I recently purchased for $3.99 at Goodwill. This is my second purse of this brand and the first one I have was $30 on clearance at Marshalls, but I received it as a gift. I love this purse and I am currently using it.
The next item I am really happy I bought. I recently took a trip to Kentucky. While there my family and I decided to go to Goodwill. This was literally the worst Goodwill I have been it. Super sketchy but I found this amazing H&M coat for $5. (It looks a lot lighter in the first picture, the second picture is closer to the actual color)
One of the best items to buy at a thrift store is books. I never pay full price for text books or books I read for entertainment. I’ve been wanting to read this book for a while now but I just hadn’t found it at an affordable price. Then I found it at Goodwill and .99 cents is good for me.
Keep in mind with all of these items I also received 10% off with my student discount for showing my student ID. I love shopping at Goodwill but I also do my part and donate whatever items I have at home that my family members or I do not need.

Great Job Candy!!!!!!! Nice guest post!
Awesome finds!