So on this blog while I do write about small snippets of my personal life I don’t usually write about it a great deal. However, life has been really exciting for me lately and I want to share.
For those of you who don’t know me you should know that I graduated from college with a double major B.A. in 2010 with a 4.0 GPA and zero debt. After working full time for a horrible company, I had a period of unemployment before going back to waiting tables. Currently, I am about to go back to school for my Master’s degree.
I just found out that I have received a Graduate Teaching Assistantship which will allow me to teach class sections while I am in school in order to have my tuition covered and earn a living stipend. I also received a Dean’s fellowship to help me cover my expenses while in school. In addition, I applied for and received a summer mentoring fellowship from the university which will pay me to conduct a research study this summer before I start classes and teaching in the fall. My BF, who I refer to as B on this website has already started going back to school for Computer Science.
Here is what my schedule looks like in the next few months-
Summer Semester–
– Summer Mentoring Fellowship to Conduct Tipping Research Study
– Taking a Class to Prepare to teach at a University
– Taking another online class to prepare to use the online teaching programs
– Working as a server a few days a week
– Running my online eBay/ Amazon business from home
– Running and Maintaining this website and hiring someone to revamp it visually (stay tuned this will be soon!)
Fall Semester-
– Starting taking Full time classes in the M.A. program
– Teaching two sections of a class
– Working as a server, maybe two days a week
– Running my online eBay/ Amazon business from home (if I have time)
– Running and Maintaining this website
So all I have to worry about is my part time job, running a website, running an online business, going back to school and teaching classes in addition to running a household and spending time with family and friends. Sleep is optional right? I think I can say that my plate is FULL! And I couldn’t be more excited!
Some of My Recent Posts-
Over 60 Things We Usually Don’t Spend Money On and A Few Things We Do
3-28-13 Publix Shopping Trip
Search for Coupons Before You Shop
March Grocery and Household Item Budget
DIY Pet Water Bottle Holder
4-5-13 Recent Thrift Shop Finds
Some Great Posts I’ve Been Reading Recently On Other Sites-
– Making a Financial Plan for the Future (Here’s Mine) @Single Mom’s Income– this is about rental properties, something that I’m very interested in
– Eating Healthy On A Budget @ Purposely Frugal
– How Rich People Think @ Budgets Are Sexy
– We Quit Our Jobs With $26,000 To Travel the World @Making Sense of Cents

Good luck on all your endeavors. Can’t wait to see updates on everything.