6-25-13 Thrift Shop Finds


I’m starting a new job soon and business clothes are expensive. See my article How To Buy and Dress in Business Clothes for Less.

I have been buying business dress clothes slowly as I find good deals on them to help me build up my new work wardrobe. Although the picture above doesn’t show the clothes in their best light, I was really excited to find about 10 dress shirts from New York and Company, St. John’s Bay, and Gap all for $1.99 each. I spent about $20 which is less than I would have paid for one shirt at one of these stores.

I was also excited to find the below vegetable holder/washer so I took a bigger picture of it. It was only .99 cents and it helps keep produce fresh longer and even better it’s dishwasher safe. I happen to know that these can sell for A LOT more than 99 cents.


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  1. Great finds!

  2. Wow… you’re absolutely right, they are expensive. I just bought a white shirt for $34.95 and they last about a year I think. I going to have to check those thrift shops out myself.

    • ShopaholicSavers

      I do find that I have a harder time finding casual clothes for guys than I do for women. I think that this is because women so often buy clothes,never wear them and then get rid of them. On the other hand, I think most guys wear their casual clothes until they fall apart. However, I do see a lot of guys dress clothes at thrift shops.

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