I’m really excited about this new deal from Swagbucks.com. If you sign up to try NextIssue, an Ap that lets you read unlimited current magazines you, and read one within 24 hours you earn enough Swagbucks for a free $15 giftcard of your choice. This will bring my Swagbucks total high enough for me to redeem FREE $25 on PayPal. That’s FREE money!!!!!!!!!!
I’m actually having fun using this Ap and will be going out of town in the next couple of weeks and can use it on my phone which is neat. Don’t forget to cancel before the month is up or you will be charged but it’s not expensive. The special terms are that this must be your first sign up and that it may take 30 days to receive your Swagbucks.
If you want to try Swagbucks (it’s free and pays you!) please click below to join through my affiliate banner and I’ll earn some Swagbucks too!

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