That time I bought a flat screen TV at the thrift shop for $20 – A Few Frugal Things

Yes, you read that right I just bought the above flat screen TV at the thrift shop for $20 and I’m very excited about it.

Here are some other frugal things recently

– I paid off my car this month! It was about a year early and in one lump sum. This increased the amount of mortgage we would be approved for as we continue to search for a new home.

– At one of the college campuses where I teach they are constantly offering free food. My work bestie and I have had pizza twice, Popeye’s once and we are having Publix subs tomorrow. So much fun!

– I bought the puppy a doggie car seat because he doesn’t want to stay in the passenger side of the car. It’s hard to drive with him in my lap and not safe because of the airbag. The car seat I bought him is pink because it was $5 cheaper. Technically, it was free because I had a gift card.

– On half off day at the thrift shop, I bought a few $2 Maxi Dresses and Skirts at the thrift shop (the same day I bought the TV) and I plan on altering one myself to wear to our friend’s wedding later this month. All of what I bought together, including the TV, was cheaper than buying one new dress!

– I was able to reschedule some faculty development work for today after I get off working my normal hours instead of having to drive 40mins each way on Friday. This saved time, energy, gas and toll money and it allowed me to combine a trip to my mother’s house with another errand so that will also be a big savings.

– We needed another doggie carrier for the puppy and instead of buying a new one I bought a bag of similar size at the thrift shop that is going to work great. He won’t be in it for long and I can sew in mesh sections if needed.

– My father moved last weekend and I spent a good part of Saturday helping him move. He gave me two nice, matching night stands (pictured above) and two lamps. I was able to help him find people to take his other furniture using Facebook Swip Swap groups. The people came and got the items, we didn’t have to move them and we avoided throwing more stuff into the dumpster.

– We are going to be moving in a few months and helping my dad move reinforced my desire to go through just about everything I own and get rid of as much stuff as possible. I immediately started grabbing things I no longer wanted and donated a trunk load to the thrift shop.

I'm a Swagbucks Influencer - Start Earning Now

– I got B involved in using Swagbucks and he has dived right in and is earning gift cards already.

– I continue to keep taking free faculty development courses for two certificate programs. This will eventually lead to a small pay increase.

– The puppy was having some stomach trouble and instead of an expensive vet visit we did our research, spoke to some friends and gave him canned pumpkin. He loved it and for about $1 a can it’s a huge savings.

– I figured out how to get 1.5% cash back through my PayPal debit card. The money gets deposited directly back into my PayPal account.

– I am now avoiding my debit card in favor of my credit card because I am paranoid about identity theft. The added bonus is that I receive reward points toward gift cards. Now I just have to remember to pay off everything I charge. 😉

– On the same note of identity theft, I also bought a paper shredded for $2.50 (see above) at the thrift shop and have been shredding our credit card offers. Also, since we know we will be moving in a few months I’m going to be shredding old paperwork etc.

– I am avoiding paying to mail some things to my sister and nephew who live in another state by meeting up with my mother who is going to bring them on her flight to visit.

– We met up with B’s mother at the farmer’s market and then went to a local art festival. The puppy behaved himself and she treated us all for lunch.

– My mother and her partner treated us to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Then we went to some thrift shops.

– While thrifting I found a new style cat carrier that I needed to take the cat to the vet in a couple of weeks. It was $6. She is also getting fixed at the local human society and that will be inexpensive. I am also getting her shot updates and getting her microchipped. All of this will be less than $100.


Income Earning

– I sold another item on eBay and listed several more

– I have earned another $25 Amazon gift card from some small online work

– I picked up another summer class for a total of 4 classes. These are outside of my full-time contract so all pay is extra.


Not So Frugal

– The boots I bought to teach in last semester, because I was having trouble with my feet, did their job! My feet are doing much better but the boots are looking terrible. I’m thinking about investing in a pair of well made, real leather boots to see if they will last longer.

– I am getting my wisdom teeth and I believe I’m going to have to pay for some expensive dental work. Thankfully I have free dental insurance but I’m not sure it will be covered. I’m trying to make it through the last month and a half before summer to schedule this.

– One of my tires blew and shredded on our way to the airport. We barely made the flight but thankfully we did. However, I now need another spare tire to replace it. I know I’m playing a risky game by waiting.

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