I was already paying at the local thrift store when I happened to spot a stack of Kindles on a nearby shelf. I bought 3 of them. Two were $3.50 each and one was $10 with the case. One of them works already and I will have to see if I am going to be able to reset the other 2 or I will return them.
I bought this mega intense car seat for my nephew who lives out of state for when he visits so my sister doesn’t have to fly with a car seat. We will check for any recalls.
I got this plastic storage tub and a Play Station 4 game for $5 total at a yard sale. No pic of the game because B is already playing it.
These Toms shoes were $1 a pair. I need to get them listed on Poshmark ASAP. I think they will go for at least $30.
B bought this set of Dilbert toys for $2 they will also go on eBay.
Mom found this brand new set of flannel sheets at the thrift shop for $4.
You can’t see them very well in this crappy pic but I got a set of throw pillows for $2.
We picked up 2 more shower curtains for $2 each and a little travel sign for a Christmas gift for about $1.
I got the above really nice Liz Claiborne purse for $2 at a yard sale. It’s exactly what I was looking for as my laptop will fit in it and it will replace the purse I have with a broken zipper.
Both of the above bags are Neiman Marcus and were $1 each at a yard sale. Not sure yet if I will keep them or sell them.
We got this shark bite blanket for my nephew for around $1.
Almost all of the items in the above picture were from a free box at a church rummage sale. I did buy the book and a few small things but most were free.

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