I recently posted an article, How One Phone Call Saved Us $343 and it made me really think about other bills and if there were ways to lower them. Today, I called At&t about our family plan phone. I pay this bill indirectly through my mother because it isn’t in my name but it’s still cheaper to have all of our phones together on one plan. For the most part our plan is really basic, besides for one thing. My mother had added an unlimited early nights and weekend calling feature to our plan a couple years ago when we kept running out of minutes and running up the bill.
However, when At&t introduced free mobile to mobile (on any plan not just At&t) we stopped needing as many minutes. In fact, we now have over 10,000 rollover minutes we can use anytime. So I canceled the unlimited early nights and weekend calling at $16.99 a month and saved $203.88 this year!

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