I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I’ve been feeling under the weather and today I went to the doctor and found out I have strep throat. Not fun. However, being the frugal person that I am I tried to look on the bright side. I had to pay $14 for 2 prescriptions but I was lucky and had two $10 Target gift card with a new or transferred prescription coupons. You can get these in a variety of ways- their weekly ad, catalina coupons, or home mailers. I didn’t know that you can use more than one at the same time. I believe the limit is actually 4. So I actually made a $6 profit in gift cards. I am always on the look out for gift card with prescription coupons. You never know when you will need one, no one plans on getting sick.
Lately, Walgreens has been giving out tons of coupons for free $25 dollar gift cards with transferred prescriptions. But I called and they are ONLY for transferred prescriptions which is why I went to target today. If you have to be sick you might as well get a free gift card (or two)!

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