So this isn’t a typical couponing shopping trip that I would post about but I figured that I would share anyways. Let’s talk about meat. It is easily the most expensive item on my grocery shopping trips and it is usually what I try to buy when I have decent moneymaker deals at Publix. But how can you save on meat not using coupons?
One thing I tried this year was buying an extra ham and turkey at Christmas time and freezing them. This actually was a really nice savings but not a lot of variety and I don’t have an extra freezer besides the small one attached to my fridge so it would be hard for me to buy more than 2 at a time.
To save money on meat I shop sales and recently I have been finding the best deals at my local Winn-Dixie. There are a lot of things that I find to be a lot more expensive at Winn-Dixie but generally not their meat department. They also have extremely good deals on meat that they put on clearance due to it being close to their sell by date. I freeze a lot of what I buy until I use it and we have never had a problem with any of their meat. The Winn-Dixie butcher himself told me he uses their clearance meat.
So on this trip I bought-
– 2 Packs of Sirloin Steaks
– 2 Packs of Chicken Breast Tenderloins
– 1 Pack of Pork Chops
– 1 Pack of Beef for pan frying (not sure what we will use this for yet)
– 1 pack of ground meat
I spent- $24.74 and saved at least $19 off of the regular Winn-Dixie prices and I’m sure it would have been a lot more than that at other stores. This meat should last us for the rest of the month and hopefully I won’t have to buy much if any more.
I actually wanted to pair my $1 off 2 Hormel coupons with their B1G1 sale but they were out of stock so I got a raincheck. We use a lot of canned chicken and this was a really good price at around $1 per can after the sale and coupons.

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