February Grocery and Household Item Budget

imageThis February (I can’t believe that it is already March as I write this), we did a good job sticking to our grocery budget. Our Totals Were-

Spent- $221.62

Saved- $334.31 (not including savings from stores such as Aldi and Dollar Tree which are hard to calculate)

*Don’t forget that this is for all household items including personal care items, not just groceries*


We did go over our $200 goal for each month but it was actually for good reason. I stocked up on a ton of canned goods like I do every year during Publix’s Viva Italia Sale- click HERE to see the trip. We would have gone much farther over budget but a couple of our relatives had given us Publix gift cards totaling $45 that we used towards this stock up. This is the 3rd year I have stocked up during this sale and the canned items usually last us until next year’s trip, click here to see last years shopping trip.



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