Keep Your Fast Food Coupons In Your Car


Like most people we try not to eat fast food too often. However, there are those days when we are tired or in a hurry that we give in to temptation and go with the easiest option of pulling into a drive through. When I work night shifts by the time I get off most people are already in bed and the last thing I want to do is cook. There also happens to be a Steak n Shake next door to my work. If you know that there is a fast food place that you sometimes stop at, it can be a good idea to leave coupons for their food in your car. I never know when I’m going to end up getting fast food but it doesn’t hurt to throw some money saving coupons in my car’s center console just in case.

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  1. I always think to do this but tell myself i wont stop at mcdonalds or steak n shake and then i do. I need to remember this!

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