If you have been reading about my Natural/Organic adventures and deals HERE then you already know that I have been replacing the cleaning and personal care products in my house with Chemical Free options. I wanted to find a good alternative to our hand soap especially because I often have dry, cracked skin on my hands and wash them a lot. I ended up purchasing Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap which is made from olive oil and I did a little research on how to turn it into hand soap.
You Need-
– Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap scent of your choice
– 1 Empty Foaming Hand Soap Pump – $1 at Dollar Tree (I gave away the soap and kept the bottle)
– Water
Hand Soap Recipe-
– 1/8 Parts Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap
– 7/8 Parts Water
*This isn’t an exact recipe so I don’t measure, I simply eyeball it*
– Mix it in a foaming hand soap pump. This part is important because if you use a regular soap pump like I did at first it’s really runny and you will use more. However, it makes a great foaming hand soap.
It’s that easy!
You do have the option of adding an essential oil for a different scent but I like the way the Almond Dr. Bronner’s soap smells so I don’t find that necessary. You can also add Tea Tree Oil to make the soap antibacterial but we didn’t use antibacterial soap before we went organic so we haven’t tried that yet.
Click HERE to read about more of my Organic / Natural / Chemical Free adventures.
Thanks, to MyMerryMessyLife for help with this recipe.

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