Our new CatGenie flushing litter box!
It’s been a crazy few weeks including going out of town for a family emergency, getting back to have family arrive at my home for a visit the day after, then the day after they leave I start teaching my summer classes. I am trying to plan ahead as much as possible so that this doesn’t become an excuse to spend way too much money.
A few frugal things
– We purchased a CatGenie flushing litter box and it’s amazing! We don’t have to buy litter, scoop litter, etc. It takes care of everything. It’s awesome and saving us money. With 3 cats, I can’t suggest this enough.
– We were able to find affordable plane tickets to go out of town at the last minute by looking at Allegiant Airlines and flying out of the awesome small airport by our house. We didn’t pay for bags and just brought personal item bags.
– We had an awesome visit with our relative but besides for errands stayed at her beautiful house on a couple of acres in the foothills of a mountain. The company and beautiful views made for a frugal trip.
– When family visited immediately after we got back we ended up hanging by our pool, visiting the beach where our relatives were staying at a hotel, thrift shopping, and doing a big grocery shop so we ate at home. It’s too hard to go out to eat with a 1-and-a-half-year-old. It was a fun and frugal visit.
– We finally blew up some pool floats and got out some pool toys that had been purchased on clearance last winter. Because pool service is included in our rent our pool is actually very frugal entertainment.
– I had good luck thrifting with my sister. We are hosting a family event in a few weeks and that has motivated me to try to address a few blank spots in our decor. I found a huge wall painting for $15 to cover a very blank wall, I also found a shelf set to use as a plant holder.
– Went through the dresses in my closet and got opinions from my sister, mom and B. I got rid of a few and know that the ones I am keeping fit well.
– B and I ended up with Strep throat. I was able to go to the Walgreens clinic a few minutes from the house. I like them better than CVS because you can make an appointment so you aren’t waiting forever. It was about $30 in copay and prescriptions. B was able to go to his university’s free clinic (more like a 4 story hospital) so he didn’t have a copay and his prescription was only $4.
– Didn’t have to pay gas or tolls to drop family at the airport because we were sick. Also didn’t have to buy anything for being sick because we already had everything at home. Being sick is never frugal but I’m trying to look on the bright side.
– One of our toilets was running constantly and so we had been turning the water on and off between flushes. B took a look and was able to fix the toilet without buying any parts.
– We still have a lot of groceries in the house after company left including leftovers.
– I am getting ready to teach my summer classes. The pay is decent and they are only 6 weeks long.
Not so Frugal
– Unexpected plane tickets, extra groceries, getting sick aside it has been a fairly frugal few weeks.
– I bought a huge watermelon that we ate half of. We waited a couple of days to cut the other half and it went bad.
– Doing some extra laundry because of towels and sheets and blankets used while family was here.
– We are still trying to create a flea free house. This is expensive and not working. The problem isn’t horrendous but I have a zero-tolerance policy that may be impossible to achieve in our part of FL.
Extra Income
– Besides for a few small things, I haven’t had time to work on most of my side hustles but have still made some small increases.
– I have also applied to teach some extra classes. They are online and very flexible.
Harmful Chemical Free and Reduced Waste Living
– The CatGenie flushing litter box is awesome! Not only does it flush all of the waste into the toilet but it means that I no longer have to buy or throw away litter! This has greatly reduced our household waste, previously our biggest source of waste was old cat litter.

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